Stephen Blank
emphasis on the current Ukraine crisis should not lead us to make the mistake
of overlooking Russia’s policies in East Asia. Normally Russia’s policies in
Southeast Asia do not get much attention. But they reveal important motifs and
themes in Russia’s overall foreign policy and its response to China’s rising
power and to trends in Asian security. Examination of those policies reveals
much about Russian policy in Asia and in general. In particular they
demonstrate Moscow’s quest for total independence and tactical flexibility as
well as its habitual reliance on energy and arms sales in strife-torn areas as
the instruments by which it seeks to gain leverage on regional security
agendas. Moreover, they also demonstrate that like other powers, Russia is
pursuing what may be called a hedging strategy against China in Asia. On the
one hand it supports China against the US and on the other works to constrain
Chinese power in Asia.
Asia’s importance to Russia has steadily risen due to Russia’s own pivot to
Asia.[i] As part of that pivot, Moscow recently proclaimed its intention to
pursue negotiations for naval bases in the Seychelles and Singapore.[ii] This
is on top of Russia’s previously overt efforts to attain basing at Cam Ranh Bay
in Vietnam.[iii] Not surprisingly, these moves will not be welcome in China and
they may be seen as representing (along with Moscow’s parallel rapprochement
with Japan) Russia’s response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent
invitation to join China “in guaranteeing security and stability in the
Asia-Pacific Region.”[iv] In other words, even as Russo-Chinese cooperation
against US power, interests and values continues on global issues and in areas
of unimportance to China like Syria, Russia strives for geopolitical independence
in Asia. Were Moscow to accept Xi’s offer, it would be admitting that it has
become China’s “junior brother” in Asia; a role that Russia bridles at
Moscow is making these “chess moves” to Southeast Asia to demonstrate its true
independence and great power status. While those attributes of Russia’ standing
in Asia are debatable, there is no doubt that Vietnam, for one, has fully
embraced Russia in an effort to get allies to restrain China even as it
continues on its own accord to pursue a diplomatic resolution of outstanding
issues with China. Indeed, Vietnam’s partnerships with Moscow and Washington
strengthen its leverage vis-à-vis Beijing, thereby enabling it to pursue both
military and economic enhancement and diplomatic resolution of disputed issues.
Thus, despite the allegedly deepening Sino-Russian friendship (at least against
the US), in fact Russia has quietly but openly resisted Chinese encroachments
in Southeast Asia and is forging a deeper military-political relationship with
has repeatedly demanded that Moscow terminate energy explorations in the South
China Sea, clearly responding to Russia’s visibly enhanced interests in
Southeast Asia. In 2012 Russia announced its interest in regaining a naval base
at Cam Ranh Bay, a step probably connected to joint Russo-Vietnamese energy
projects off Vietnam’s coast, and a means of checking China in the South China
Sea. Gazprom also signed a deal to explore two licensed blocks in Vietnam’s
continental shelf in the South China Sea, taking a 49 percent stake in the
offshore blocks, which hold an estimated 1.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas
and more than twenty-five million tons of gas condensate. Those actions
precipitated Beijing’s demand that Moscow leave the area. However, despite its
silence, presumably to avoid antagonizing China, Moscow stayed put. Russia has
subsequently increased support for Vietnam regarding energy exploration in the
South China Sea and, perhaps more ominously from China’s standpoint, in arms
sales and defense cooperation.[v]
clearly aiming to deter Chinese threats, has become a major customer for
Russian weapons, primarily submarines and planes. Russia and Vietnam have been
“strategic partners” since 2001 and they upgraded the relationship to a
comprehensive strategic partnership in 2012.[vi] Bilateral trade and
scientific-cultural exchanges are growing and Russia ranks 18th among
101 foreign investors in Vietnam focusing on mining, processing, and
manufacturing industries (particularly energy). In addition, Russia is helping
Vietnam build a nuclear power plant.[vii]
most striking and consequential forms of cooperation are in the military
sphere. Vietnam’s defense minister, General Phung Quang Thanh, called Russia
“Vietnam’s primary strategic military partner in the sphere of military and
technical cooperation.”[viii] Beyond Russia’s interest in Cam Ranh Bay, Russia
is helping Vietnam build a submarine base and repair dockyard to provide
maintenance support for other naval platforms. The submarine base will host the Kilo-class subs that
Vietnam has bought from Russia to protect Vietnamese interests in the South
China Sea.[ix] More recently, both sides have begun discussing a document
allowing for regular Russian port visits to Vietnam for maintenance and rest
and relaxation, although Cam Ranh Bay will not become a Russian base.[x]
and Russia announced a third tranche of the sale of twelve new SU-30MK2 fighter
aircraft that can target ships, aerial and ground targets. Vietnam has also
ordered six newVarshavyanka-class
submarines that represent an improvement on its existing Kilo-class
submarines and which can conduct anti-submarine, anti-ship, general
reconnaissance, and patrol missions in relatively shallow waters like the South
China Sea.[xi] These sales display Vietnam’s defense modernization to defend
against threats to its offshore energy interests, defend Vietnamese claims in
the South China Sea, and deter growing Chinese aggressiveness. In these
respects, it is emulating other Southeast Asian states’ defense-modernization
programs to defend against new threats.[xii]
the most striking aspect of these recent arms sales and ministerial talks
between both states’ defense ministers is the fact that Russian prime minister
Dmitry Medvedev approved a draft Russo-Vietnamese military cooperation pact to
formalize the two governments’ defense cooperation. Medvedev’s approval orders
the Russian Ministry of Defense to discuss the planned accord with the
Vietnamese government and authorizes the Russian ministry to sign the agreement
on Russia’s behalf. The planned accord would stipulate exchanges of opinions
and information, confidence-building measures, and cooperation to enhance
international security and ensure more effective action against terrorism and
better arms control.[xiii] And, of course, allegedly nothing in the bilateral
relationship is intended to target a third country.[xiv]
it is clear that this relationship, whose high points are the new agreement and
these arms sales, aims to counter China’s aggressive intentions and behavior in
the South China Sea. It is noteworthy that most of these announcements come
from the Vietnamese side that clearly has every reason to display publicly to
China its ability to garner support for its military buildup and political
resistance to Chinese claims. Thus Vietnam not only enjoys strong U.S.,
Russian, and Indian diplomatic and military support, it is buying weapons from
Russia, Sweden, and Israel, among others. Indeed, to strengthen its C4ISR
capabilities, Vietnam is also investing in powerful foreign C4ISR systems and
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to protect its offshore interests and
efforts to weave together a series of partnerships to counter Chinese power are
probably not surprising. There are ample precedents for Vietnam’s activity. But
Russia’s activities clearly surprised and even dismayed China. Perhaps China should
not have been surprised as those policies are clearly part of Moscow’s overall
“pivot” to Asia that actually preceded the US “rebalancing” program in Asia and
aims to invigorate Moscow’s economic-military-political position as an
independent major Asian power in its own right. Indeed, Russia’s moves in the
Pacific visibly confirm Edward Luttwak’s observation that given the logic of
strategy, China’s increasingly aggressive policies will lead its neighbors and
other Asian states, including Russia, to find new ways of collaborating
together to check Beijing’s policies.[xvi] Still, China is clearly not happy
with the Kremlin’s policies. In 2012, its media called them “unrighteous” and
warned Russia that it prefers cooperation with “ill-doers” over cooperation
with China, though it professes an identity of interests with Beijing. Chinese
media stressed that Russo-Vietnamese military and energy cooperation allows
Vietnam to extend energy exploration into contested areas. These articles even
charged that Vietnam depends on this cooperation with Russia, so in some sense
Russia is culpable. China also correctly accused Russia at that time of seeking
a return to Cam Ranh Bay.[xvii] Thus Russia’s “chess moves” suggest that
Sino-Russian amity, at least in regard to the Asian regional security agenda,
is something of a facade. [xviii]
this is indeed the case, Russo-Chinese ties may not be as dangerous for the US
as some have feared, although there is no reason for complacency since the two
governments will clearly collude to block numerous American initiatives
globally. But in Asia, we might see added jockeying and competition for support
and influence by both major actors like Russia and China and by increasingly
capable middle powers like Vietnam that can only add a further dimension of
complexity to Asia’s already tangled and complex security agendas.
Stephen Blank is Senior Fellow for Russia at the American Foreign
Policy Council in Washington, DC.
Fiona Hill and Bobo Lo, “Putin’s Pivot,”,
August 6, 2013
[ii] Russia Seeks Several Military Bases Abroad – Defense Minister,” RIA Novosti,
February 26, 2014,
Stephen Blank, “Russia’s Ever Friendlier Ties to Vietnam—Are They a Signal to
China?”Eurasia Daily Monitor,
November 30, 2012
Chang, p. 27
Stephen Blank, “Russia’s Ever Friendlier Ties to Vietnam—Are They a Signal to
China?”Eurasia Daily Monitor,
November 30, 2012
Hanoi, VOV News, in English, May 10, 2013, Open Source Center, Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, Central Eurasia , (Henceforth FBIS SOV,), May 10,
[vii] Ibid.
Vladimir Mukhin, “Preferable Tariffs for Navy Ships: Vietnam and Cuba Are
Helping Russian Navy Solve Defense Missions in the World’s Ocean,” Moscow, Nezavisimaya Gazeta,
in Russian , August 7, 2013, FBIS SOV, August 7, 2013
Jon Gravatt, “Russia to Help Vietnam Build Naval Submarines,” Jane’s Defense Weekly, March 29, 2010,
[x] FBIS SOV, August 7,
Ho Chi Minh City, Thanh News Online, in English, August 23, 2013, FBIS SOV, August 23,
Jon Gravatt, “Vietnam Signs Deal with Russia to Procure Additional Su-30MK2s,” Jane’s Defence Weekly,
August 23, 2013,,
Moscow, Interfax, in English, August 29, 2013, FBIS SOV, August 29,
Hanoi, Vietnam News Agency, in English,, August 8, 2013, FBIS SOV, 2013
Jon Grevatt, “ Vietnam’s Unmanned Ambitions,” Jane’s Defence Weekly, August 6, 2013, ,,
Edward N. Luttwak, The Rise of China vs. the Logic of Strategy, Cambridge
Massachusetts and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012
Vladimir Radyuhin, “Russia Renews Interest in Vietnam Base,” The Hindu, October
8, 2010
Jeffrey Mankoff, “The Wary Chinese-Russian Partnership,” New York Times, July
11, 2013,
National Interest, April 7, 2014
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